
Send this to every proud Indian you know.

With the 77th Indian Independence having gone by, I had written this poem in patriotic spirit. I had recited this poem in the assembly at my school. This poem is my way of expressing patriotism for this historic day in Indian history. This poem aims to honour the legacy of the Indian freedom struggle and India's many heros. I hope you will relate with its depth and meaning and respect this legacy as I do.
The sun shone to start the day,
From behind the Himalayas
And above Bengal's Bay.
Kashmir was quiet and serene,
As Kerala's backwaters babbled in their ravines.
Then in 1608,
Landed on our shores, 
A company of western imposters,
With intentions of trade,
They showed to be conquerers.
Starting with three villages,
They made an empire.
Our wealth
Is what they wanted to acquire.
We waited, and we watched,
Till be became outcast in our homes.
We didn't stay silent,
We fought, and we weren't alone.
Brother and sister,
Daughter and son.
All fought, 
Each one.
From a peaceful Satyagraha,
To a bloodshot battle. 
Whether voices or bullets,
All did rattle.
The struggle proved fruitful.
When on August 15th,
The tricolour flag said the needful.
Safron, the blood we shed.
Green, the motherland bed.
White, the flag we never held.
Dear imposters,
We're tigers, not sheep.
We fixed what you broke,
And when the world was asleep,
India awoke.

Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!
Your guide,
13 Chapters


Anonymous said…
That was deep, I loved it. It had its own sense of patriotism and I loved how you described it in the simplest of words.
Jai Hind Jai Bharat 🫡🇮🇳
Anonymous said…
It's like I don't want to say it's rythmic but it's rythmic at the same time