
 Send this to someone you know who thinks a lot.

We process billions of thoughts every day. But I don't think that a lot of us put much thought into what we think. Well here is my opinion on thoughts put into words, tell me yours in the comments!


    With the power to make anything happen, our thoughts are our greatest weapon. Our thoughts shape the way we see the world. Our thoughts become our choices, our choices become our actions, and our actions become who we are. Our thoughts are the one thing we can control, and if we can restrain them, we can uphold the world. Our thoughts are the rightest reflections of ourselves, one that no mirror can show.

Your guide,
13 Chapters


Anonymous said…
The heartwarming truth about thoughts
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Wasn't that supposed to be one of the greatest secrets you revealed it so easily
U must read the secret it's same but lengthy with proofs too