Send this to someone you know who has a cat for a pet.
Bliss is a cat with attitude. Fauna found him on the street when she was coming home from work. He didn't get along with her at first, but one incident changed that. Read the story to find out what that was.
Fauna lives alone in an apartment in a town. The only company she has is her cat, Bliss. Bliss is a year-old Persian cat with some attitude. The only person he is ever nice to is Fauna, but it wasn't always this way.
Fauna found a two-month-old Bliss on the street on her way back from work one rainy evening. For months he wouldn't listen to a word Fauna said. He has scratched her countless times, sometimes so bad that it bled and she had to get bandages. But she never gave up on the lad; she never gave him to a pet store, even though the thought passed her mind many times. Bliss rarely ever ate what Fauna fed him, he scratched her furniture and made a mess of the house. Fauna had a nine-to-five job she had to attend to and then had to come home to clean up the mess Bliss made. It was really exhausting for her.
Then one day, Fauna was going home from the grocery store, but when she got there, she found that a fire had broken out in the apartment building! Though it was only in one apartment, the firefighters were having everyone in the building evacuate it. She went up to the firefighters and told them that she lived in her apartment alone but her cat was still in there and asked them to rescue him. The firefighter agreed and climbed up the fire staircase, luckily her window was on the first floor right over the emergency staircase.
But there still was one problem, Bliss wouldn't come to the firefighter, who were complete strangers to him. Fauna ran, stopping right below her window and screamed, "Bliss! Please come down!" Bliss had looked down to see Fauna with tears in her eyes as the fire began to spread from that one apartment to others, very close to her own.
We might never know what miracle happened that day, but Bliss surely does. He looked at the firefighters and then at Fauna, then jumped! He didn't jump to the firefighters though; he jumped straight down to Fauna! He landed right in her arms. Fauna gave him a really tight hug, saying, "I see why they say that cats always land on their feet." She laughed at the irony of the moment and hugged Bliss even tighter.
Ever since then, Bliss and Fauna have been as close as you'd expect a pet and master to be.
Your guide,
13 Chapters
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