Becoming Unbound

So, after a long period of only seeing my novel on the blog (which by the way didn't get many views), I am finally back with poems! I was going through a terrible block recently and just couldn't think of anything to write about so I didn't post anything for a while.
I got this idea when I was told I was being rude when I was keeping my boundaries, it infuriated me but honestly also inspired me. 
And just to give a disclaimer, I still have the after-effects of the block so my writing may not be as sharp as it was and there are plenty of references to the work of other writers so if anything sounds similar, I give full credit to the writer of that particular reference. 
Becoming Unbound
"You've changed."
That's what you'd say.
But darling, you only see things one way,
The way that you can accept.
You don't want to admit that I have become better.
You don't see that I changed for the better.
Even if it may seem worse to you.

And though I don't owe you an explanation
But darling, I want you to know so we can be clear
Of my boundaries of high brick walls
So you don't even consider attempting to 
Break them all.

I realized I was letting people like you
Have way too much power on me.
But now that I've changed,
I am strong and fierce and 
Who I want to be.

And when I figured it all out,
I awoke every wolf and monster inside of me
And let them out.

The anger that burns a wall of fire told me
That I deserved better.
I'm not here to clean up your mess.
Now I believe what it said,
That I deserve nothing less
Than a person who has his head
Below the clouds and out of the gutter.

My life changed when 
I saw that the monsters were there to protect me.
I am the commander and
My monsters my army.

I found myself.
The part of me that had been hidden for so long.
The part that was brave, witty,
Determined and strong.

I finally found my people,
Those who know and accept me
For who I am and not
What I was or could be.

So, if you think I changed for or because of you,
Get that thought out of your head.
Because I believe I've been
Pretty clear with what I've said.
But I'll say it again anyway.

My life doesn't revolve around you or anybody,
It is all about me and all for my family.
If you think you have control over me,
Forget it, you don't.
I am powerful and free.
I am fearless and therefore, powerful.
Beware the storm that stands in front of you.

Now call me selfish and cruel or unkind,
I live for myself now
Not for what you had in mind.

And before you go judge or hate me,
Know that I do not care.
Fate has bigger plans for us,
And I'm taking my share.

I've got my Lord's hand upon my head.
He believes in me.
I know it without him ever having
Anything said.

Life may be tough 
But so am I and if the going gets rough,
I'll deal with it.
I'm not finished until I'm dead
And nor do I want to live forever, but 
I want to leave behind a legacy that does.

I now know what makes a legend,
And a legend I'll become.
I leave behind all those
Who leave me painfully numb.

The only way for me now is
And only for seeing how far I've come
Will I ever turn backward.

I don't let my past hold me back.
I've moved on.
My past was a lesson,
Not a prison.
In a field of roses,
I'll be a wildflower.
Not perfect but beautiful.
But to me, it doesn't really matter.

Darling, you close the chapter,
I've already burned the book.
So don't ever think of trying to get my attention,
I'm not gracing you even with a look.

So, fine, make me your villain.
I'm better off a villain in your eyes,
If I can be who I want in mine.

I will make the best of my life,
Leaving the world better than I found it.
And when I do leave,
I'll leave a legend.

You think I've changed,
But, darling, no.
I haven't changed,
I've grown
Into something unlike before.

Your Guide, 


Lost Villain said…
..... Ok and thanks i think i was stuck for the same reason thinking i might hurt the people around me .... But u ..... Opened my eyes.... This might be the last comment I make here .... Bye😊