A Nation We Built

Send this to every proud Indian you know.

Following the post for Independence day, this is a poem I wrote and recited back in January 2023. I had written this poem to depict the making and establishing of the Indian constitution and the lesson our history has to teach. Like before, I hope you will relate to its depth and meaning and honour its legacy as much as I do.
A Nation we built
Turn the clock back,
75 years.
In the silent track,
With only bullets to hear.

Amidst the battle of freedom and honour,
United they fought, 
With their courage and valour.

At dawn on the 15th day
Of the month of August,
Our flag began to sway.

On the graves of a thousand men and women,
Arose a new, free land,
And that's exactly where we began.

But the victors now had one concern;
With the freedom of this nation in their hands,
They thought, 'who will govern this land?'

With three years of effort,
They wrote our book of laws.
To make sure that its citizens could finally rest in comfort,
The system wasn't to have any flaws.
And thus, the constitution was born.

On January the 26th,
Our country officially became a republic.
On its own feet now,
The government started working for the public.

And on this bright and cheerful morning,
We come together to celebrate the glory of this day,
Such that our history 
Can elighten our way.

Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!
Your guide,
13 Chapters


Anonymous said…
Would you please add a glossary down it's hard for even scholar level vocabulary