The Point of Poetry

Many people may think that writing poetry is a pointless, time-wasting activity. People who like doing it also end up questioning the point of writing at some time or another; as I did. Well, when you think about it, you will eventually find the point of poetry. Here is my not-so-humble opinion about the point of poetry. And also a little disclaimer that this isn't how I used to write poetry in the past so it might seem different, but trust me when I say that you'll like this style of poetry much better. Another little disclaimer is that the quote that I've used in this poem [you'll be able to make it out since I've repeated it a couple times] was written by Allan Wolf, not me. One last disclaimer; it is a very long poem. :)

...The Point of Poetry...
Why would I write?
Why should I write?
What is the point of writing?
I may not have a reasonable answer 
To your reasonable question.
But my friend,
The points are not the point,
The point is poetry.
I read that somewhere.
It hit me hard.
It made me realize the point of
All that I had written so far.

All that time you spent
In search of points and reason,
While I wrote of
All trust and treason.
But you do have a point.
Why waste time on something pointless?
But most people 
Don't think about the point 
Of a loved one's caress.
Yes, that's poetry.
Poetry is a loving caress
Of a loving touch.
Poetry touches the heart
To change the feel of us.
The points are not the point,
The point is poetry.
I read that in a book. 
It made me look
For the feel of things
And forget the point of things.

Poetry is the word
Of thought and emotion.
Poetry is the force
And is the motion.
The point of poetry is not
Something to be asked.
Because the point is poetry.
Poetry aims to move the world.
Move it in a new direction.
Poetry aims to teach the world
To question everything
To never regret
To find the joy of the little 
Pointless things in life.
Because the point 
Is poetry.

The points are not the point. The point is poetry. 
~ Allan Wolf.

Your guide,


Anonymous said…
I read that u also make drawing can u post some
Anonymous said…
I surely will never question the point of poetry ever again...there is no need to. :)
Anonymous said…
some imp stufff.